Top Tips For Getting Cheap Auto Insurance
Have your hours recently been cut at work, so you're looking for a new job? Are you trying to save money wherever you can? If you're like a lot of people, you'll be unable to get a new job or even work at your current job if you don't have a vehicle. Unfortunately, car insurance can be expensive. If you're looking for ways to get cheap auto insurance, here are a few tips:
Buy an older car model: If you have a relatively new vehicle, chances are that you're still making payments on it. If you sell that new vehicle, you may be able to find a reliable car that is only a couple years older and that costs not much more than a couple of your current monthly payments. An older car can also lower your insurance rates significantly. Not only is the vehicle cheaper to repair in the event of an accident, it may be much less likely to be stolen. This lower risk means that you may be able to find very cheap auto insurance for the vehicle that you've just purchased.
Agree to be tracked: Some companies may give you cheap auto insurance for allowing your mileage to be tracked. The less time your vehicle spends on the road, the lower your insurance rate may be. Some insurance companies only want to track the miles that you travel, while others may want to install devices that also confirm how fast you drive and how many hard braking events you encounter during your commute. If you're a very safe driver, allowing these devices to be installed may substantially reduce your auto insurance costs.
Attend defensive driving classes: When you're short on money in the first place, it can be difficult to even think about spending your money on something new. Fortunately, you may be able to find a defensive driving class that will cost you very little money out of pocket. Once you successfully complete the course, many insurance companies will now consider you to be at a lower risk of being in a fatal or near-fatal accident. As a reward for being a lower risk, they'll lower your insurance premium rates. Before paying for any defensive driving course, however, make sure to check with your insurance company to make sure that the course will actually be accepted. Some companies may have specific requirements for defensive driving courses before they're willing to give you cheap auto insurance for completing the class.